Hello Sparklings, I'm here in my comfy California King at Bally's in Vegas after the wrap of sessions for 20Books to 50K. It was such a great conference, full of great information and even better people. I'm so excited to use this information and propel my career to the next level.
Unfortunately, I've already fallen ill. I must've picked something up in the airport because I woke up with a sore throat yesterday morning. So unfair...
What I've Learned
It's time to stop puttering around and get down to it. I need to pull out all the stops and put the petal to the metal on my career. I need to get on Tiktok and start playing around and publishing fun content. I need to take more ad/marketing classes specific to my genre, and I need to start reaching out to people for ARCs. I have a million and five things to do!
All I can really say is that my time here (even the time spent watching sessions from my room with the sniffles) has been so invaluable to getting the fire fanned under me. I'm more Sparkling than ever!
What Am I Working On?
I'm still wrapping up that project for my Fantasy publisher... for the last two months. It's been a very hard book to write and I'd be lying if I said I hadn't once cried or pulled my hair out. But, the light at the end of the tunnel is in sight. I've entered the third act, and there's only 20k left to write. I can do this!
Otherwise, I've been plotting book two for Fae Prison: Earth. I'm thinking I'll plot book three along with it, loosely since I know how I can be about sticking to a plan. I'm both excited and terrified.
I've also been plotting (in my head only) two new series that I'm ready to start working on. One book at a time! I know, I know.
Well Sparklings, I have to go drink some Theraflu and pray I have the strength to leave my hotel room for something hot to eat.